Welcome to PPgis.net, the Open Forum on Participatory Geographic Information Systems and Technologies. In building a community of practice (CoP) around the concepts of Public Participation GIS (PPGIS)/Participatory GIS (PGIS) this DGroup aims at stimulating exchange of information on progress made in bringing the power of geospatial information management systems at community level. A prime objective is to provide disadvantaged groups in society with added knowledge-based resources for interacting with higher-level institutions, negotiating territorial issues, participating in land/resource use planning, management and decision-making, and influencing policy-making. This CoP supports the vision of participatory geospatial information management and communication linking different knowledge systems and improving multi-party communication on spatially defined issues.
Members of this DGroup are able to share information and lessons learned and post questions, resource documents and announcements which are relevant to the practice. On this forum members can share their ideas, post questions and answers, showcase their practices or discuss topics related to the practices of participatory mapping and communication. Our editorial policy is to publish these unless these are meant to create an intentional conflict based on gender, religion or nationality. We also don’t publish direct personal attack or pointed criticism (to an individual or organisation) unless this is supported by substantive evidence and/or justification as to why the author brings forward this. We do not publish “thank you” messages unless these do not contribute to further elaboration of the topic at stake.
The forum is open to registered members and moderated by development practitioners and researchers with worldwide experience in a number of relevant disciplines.
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