Welcome to PPgis.net, the electronic forum on participatory use of geo-spatial information systems and technologies. We host four distinct communities, namely the global list which is Anglophone, and lists for French- Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking practitioners.
These online platforms serve as global avenues for discussing issues, sharing experiences and good practices related to participatory mapping, Participatory GIS (PGIS), Public Participation GIS (PPGIS), and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). We discuss a range of geospatial information technologies (GIT) used in crisis management, and participatory development, sustainable natural resource management and customary property rights in developing countries and among indigenous peoples worldwide.
Members of these lists include development practitioners, activists, researchers, students, and staff from international organisations, NGOs and government agencies.
You are most welcome to join.
“Good PGIS practice should ensure that spatial knowledge located on a map
is not separated from the wisdom (moral, ethical and cultural values) which is attached to it.” Nigel Crawhall, 2007
English-speaking community | Communauté francophone
Comunidade de língua espanhola | Comunidade de língua lusófona